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A code set representing the types of emergency department visits.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Emergency presentation: attendance for an actual or suspected condition which is sufficiently serious to require acute unscheduled care.
2 Return visit, planned: presentation is planned and is a result of a previous emergency department presentation or return visit.
3 Pre-arranged admission: a patient who presents at the emergency department for either clerical, nursing or medical processes to be undertaken, and admission has been pre-arranged by the referring medical officer and a bed allocated.
4 Patient in transit: the emergency department is responsible for care and treatment of a patient awaiting transport to another facility.
5 Dead on arrival: a patient who is dead on arrival and an emergency department clinician certifies the death of the patient.
1 Emergency presentation: attendance for an actual or suspected condition which is sufficiently serious to require acute unscheduled care.
2 Return visit, planned: presentation is planned and is a result of a previous emergency department presentation or return visit.
3 Pre-arranged admission: a patient who presents at the emergency department for either clerical, nursing or medical processes to be undertaken, and admission has been pre-arranged by the referring medical officer and a bed allocated.
4 Patient in transit: the emergency department is responsible for care and treatment of a patient awaiting transport to another facility.
5 Dead on arrival: a patient who is dead on arrival and an emergency department clinician certifies the death of the patient.


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