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An episode of care for an admitted patient whose treatment and/or care is provided under an arrangement between a hospital purchaser of hospital care (contracting hospital) and a provider of an admitted service (contracted hospital), and for which the activity is recorded by both hospitals, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Inter-hospital contracted patient sector code N ".
Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated


Guide for use:

Hospital activity provided under contract is to be reported by both the contracting (originating) hospital and by the contracted (destination) hospital, where the activity is recorded by both hospitals.

A specific arrangement should apply (either written or verbal) whereby one hospital contracts with another hospital for the provision of specific services. The arrangement may be between any combination of hospital; for example, public to public, public to private, private to private, or private to public.

This data element is designed to enable elimination of double counting of episodes of admitted patient care in national data compiled as per the APC NMDS. As such, contracted arrangements where the patient is only admitted to one hospital (i.e. contract type 4 where contract role=A) are not considered to be inter-hospital contracted care for the purposes of this data element. In contracted arrangements where the patient is admitted to both hospitals, provide data according to the guide for use below. In contracted arrangements where the patient is only admitted to one hospital, use code 5.

This data element item will be derived, using data elements Hospital—contract role, code A and Hospital—contract type, code N as follows.

If Contract role = B (Hospital B, that is, the provider of the hospital service; contracted hospital), and Contract type = 2, 3, or 5 (that is, a hospital (Hospital A) purchases the activity, rather than a health authority or other external purchaser, and admits the patient for all or part of the episode of care, and/or records the contracted activity within the patient's record for the episode of care). Then record a value of 1, if Hospital A is a public hospital or record a value of 2, if Hospital A is a private hospital.

If Contract role = A (Hospital A, that is, the hospital purchasing the activity; contracting hospital), and Contract type = 2, 3, or 5 (that is, the reporting hospital purchases the activity and admits the patient for all or part of the episode of care, and/or records the contracted activity within the patient's record for the episode of care). Then record a value of 3, if Hospital B is a public hospital or record a value of 4, if Hospital B is a private hospital.

National Health Data Committee


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