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The total number of hours an admitted patient has spent in an intensive care unit, expressed as a number.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total hours NNNN ".
Data Type Number
Format NNNN
Maximum character length 4


Guide for use:

The total number of hours is to be reported by public hospitals that have either an approved level 3 adult intensive care unit or an approved paediatric intensive care unit.

Adult intensive care unit, level 3

The unit must be capable of providing complex, multisystem life support for an indefinite period; be a tertiary referral centre for patients in need of intensive care services and have extensive backup laboratory and clinical service facilities to support the tertiary referral role. It must be capable of providing mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal renal support services and invasive cardiovascular monitoring for an indefinite period; or care of a similar nature.

Paediatric intensive care unit

The unit must be capable of providing complex, multisystem life support for an indefinite period; be a tertiary referral centre for children needing intensive care; and have extensive backup laboratory and clinical service facilities to support this tertiary role. It must be capable of providing mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal renal support services and invasive cardiovascular monitoring for an indefinite period to infants and children less than 16 years of age; or care of a similar nature.


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