Estimated Indigenous potential population for employment services (people aged less than 65 years with profound or severe core activity limitation) on 30 June at start of reporting period.
The method used to calculate the Indigenous potential population will be the same as that adopted by the Disability Services Working Group for calculation of special needs group indicators for the Report on Government Services 2012. This method incorporates 2006 Census data and age-sex specific rates of severe/profound core activity limitation (from the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC)).
National level age-sex rates, rather than state/territory-age-sex rates have been used previously due to the high sampling errors associated with some of the state/territory-age-sex rate estimates in SDAC 2003 and previous iterations of the survey.
National level rates will be used from SDAC 2009 to calculate the potential population for this reporting cycle. A complete review of the data sources and methods used for the calculation of potential population for National Agreement performance reporting will be undertaken by the Potential Population Working Group on behalf of the DPRWG, however the results of this review will not be available for this reporting cycle.
Measures disaggregated by 'need for assistance in life' area will not use potential population as the denominator. The denominator for these measures will be the state/territory total of the number of service users in the reporting period.