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Difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancies at birth.

Indicator Summary


The gap estimate does not have a numerator or denominator. The average number of years a person could expect to live from the day they are born if they experienced mortality rates at each age that are currently experienced by the relevant population.

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A generation is defined as 25 years.

Life expectancy for total population is calculated for a rolling 3-year period and reported annually.

Life expectancy for Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations is calculated for a rolling 3-year period and reported every 5 years.

Presented as number of years.

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State and territory:

  • Indigenous status, by sex

Some disaggregation may result in numbers too small for publication.

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

A generation is defined as 25 years.

Life expectancy for total population is calculated for a rolling 3-year period and reported annually.

Life expectancy for Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations is calculated for a rolling 3-year period and reported every 5 years.

Presented as number of years.


The gap estimate does not have a numerator or denominator. The average number of years a person could expect to live from the day they are born if they experienced mortality rates at each age that are currently experienced by the relevant population.


State and territory:

  • Indigenous status, by sex

Some disaggregation may result in numbers too small for publication.


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