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The cancer-directed surgical procedure performed during the initial course of treatment for cancer, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

The procedure code is collected for all cancer-directed surgery performed during initial treatment for cancer. The initial treatment includes all treatments performed from diagnosis and before disease progression or recurrence.

Cancer-directed surgery refers to all surgery that destroys or modifies cancer tissue anywhere in the body.

Cancer-directed surgery may be palliative (to control symptoms, alleviate pain, or make the patient more comfortable), or curative.

Biopsies that remove the entire tumour and/or leave only microscopic margins are to be recorded here.

The procedure code for each surgical treatment episode should be entered separately.

Endocrine surgery for the purpose of modifying hormone levels is recorded with data element Cancer treatment—systemic therapy procedure, code N[N].


National Centre for Classification in Health

New South Wales Department of Health, Public Health Division

The collection of specific treatment information is useful to evaluate patterns of care, the effectiveness of different treatment modalities, and treatment by patient outcome.


Public Health Division 2001. NSW Clinical Cancer Data Collection for Outcomes and Quality: Data Dictionary, Version 1. Sydney:NSW Health Department

American College of Surgeons 2002. Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards (FORDS), 2009 revision. Commission on Cancer

American College of Surgeons 1998. Standards of the Commission on Cancer: Registry Operations and Data Standards (ROADS), Volume II. Commission on Cancer
This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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