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A code set representing the reason for not using a health service when it was needed.


Data Type Number
Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 01 Cost
02 Discrimination
03 Cultural inappropriateness
04 Indifference or unwillingness
05 Difficulty in attending health service
06 Waiting time too long or service not available at time required
07 Required service not available in a specific location
08 Too busy
09 Legal reasons
10 Intoxication
20 Other reasons
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

More than one reason may be selected.

CODE 1 Cost

Includes all cases where a health service was not sought because it was likely to be unaffordable.

CODE 2 Discrimination

Includes all cases of perceived discrimination at a health service, on the basis of factors such as age, sex, disability, religion or culture, etc.

CODE 3 Cultural inappropriateness

Includes cases where a health service was not sought because of a perceived lack of cultural consideration e.g. lack of appropriate interpreter services, or no service provider of similar cultural background available.

CODE 4 Indifference or unwillingness

Includes cases where a health service was not sought because a person either felt that seeking a health service was unnecessary, a person did not want to seek a health service, or a person lacked motivation to seek a health service.

CODE 5 Difficulty in attending health service

Includes cases where a health service was not sought either due to lack of available transport to attend the service or the distance required to attend a health service was perceived as being too great.

CODE 6 Waiting time too long or service not available at time required

Includes cases where the waiting time for a health service (either expected or actual) was too long, or the health service was not available at the required time.

CODE 7 Required service not available in a specific location

Includes cases where a health service was not available in the person’s location e.g. local community area, prison etc.

CODE 8 Too busy

Includes cases where the person was too busy to seek a health service e.g. work, personal or family responsibilities.

CODE 9 Legal reasons

Includes cases where the person did not seek a health service for legal reasons e.g. likely arrest, actual arrest, appearance in court or being in custody.

CODE 10 Intoxication

Includes cases where the person did not seek a health service because they were intoxicated as a result of drug use, alcohol consumption or other causes.

CODE 20 Other reasons

Includes all reasons not elsewhere included.


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