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A code set representing a person's level of satisfaction with their participation in a specified area of life, in relation to their current life goals.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Supplementary Values 8 Not specified
9 Not applicable


Guide for use:

This metadata item contributes to the definition of the concept 'Disability' and gives an indication of the experience of disability for a person.

In the context of health, participation is involvement in a life situation. Participation restrictions are problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations.

This metadata item gives a rating of the person's degree of satisfaction with participation in a domain of life, in relation to their current life goals. Satisfaction with participation corresponds to the person's own perspective on their participation, and reflects their attitude to their participation in the various life areas. It is essentially a summary measure in which are embedded the concepts of choice, opportunity and importance.

CODE 0 High satisfaction with participation

Used if a person is involved in the specified life situation as he or she wishes to fulfil his or her current life goals in terms of duration, frequency, manner and outcome.

CODE 1 Moderate satisfaction with participation

Used if the person is reasonably satisfied with their participation in this life situation, in terms of duration, frequency, manner and outcome. This could occur if one of the criteria (duration, frequency, manner or outcome) is not fulfilled and that criterion is not critical to the person's goals. For example, the person does not participate in the specified life situation as frequently as wished, but the other criteria are met and the frequency is not so affected that it is critical to the person's satisfaction.

CODE 2 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with participation

Used if the person is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their participation in this life situation, in terms of duration, frequency, manner and outcome.

CODE 3 Moderate dissatisfaction with participation

Used if two or three criteria (duration, frequency, manner or outcome) are not fulfilled, but are not so badly affected, in relation to the person's goals in that life area, that the person is extremely dissatisfied. For example, a person is able to participate in work, but is placed in supported employment rather than employment in the open labour market. This is not in line with the person's goals, so that the manner and outcome of the participation are not fulfilled.

CODE 4 Extreme dissatisfaction with participation

Used when all criteria (duration, frequency, manner and outcome) are not fulfilled for the specified life situation, or where any of the criteria are so badly affected in relation to the person's goals that they consider themselves to be extremely dissatisfied with this life area. An example of the latter would arise when a person is extremely dissatisfied with participation in interpersonal activities because his/her goal in terms of duration of social visits is never fulfilled, although other criteria (frequency and manner) may be fulfilled.

CODE 5 Complete restriction and dissatisfaction

Used when the person does not participate in this life situation in line with his or her own goals, i.e. in an area where they wish to participate and is completely dissatisfied with not participating in this life situation.

CODE 9 Not applicable

Used when participation in a life situation is not relevant, such as employment of an infant or where there is no participation and the person has no desire to participate in this area. For example, a personal preference not to participate in specific areas of community, social and civic life such as sport or hobbies. The area may not be applicable to the person's current life goals.

Human functioning and disability.


WHO 2001. ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: WHO

AIHW 2003. ICF Australian User Guide Version 1.0. Canberra: AIHW


Further information on the ICF, including more detailed codes, can be found in the ICF itself and the ICF Australian User Guide (AIHW 2003), at the following websites:

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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