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A code set representing the relative physical location of the patient and service provider.


Data Type Number
Format N{.N}
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Patient and provider in the same physical location
1.1 On the hospital campus of the provider
1.2 Not on the hospital campus of the provider
2 Patient and provider not in the same physical location, and communicating via:
2.1 Telephone
2.2 Telemedicine


Guide for use:

CODE 1.1 On the hospital campus of the provider

Patient and provider in the same physical location refers to face to face contacts. If this occurs at the hospital campus of the provider, use code 1.1.

CODE 1.2 Not on the hospital campus of the provider

If the service event does not occur on the hospital campus of the provider (hospital-based outreach services), use code 1.2.

Hospital-based outreach service events occur when the patient is treated by hospital staff in a location that is not part of the hospital campus (such as in the patient's home or place of work).

Patient and provider not in the same physical location refers to service events delivered via a telephone call or video link (telemedicine). The provider may or may not be physically present on their hospital campus.

A service event delivered via a telephone call is included if

  • it is a substitute for a face-to-face service event, and
  • it is pre-arranged, and
  • a record of the service event is included in the patient's medical record

A service event can be counted at each site participating via a video link.


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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 0