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The position or job classification of a health professional, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Health occupation code ANN ".
Data Type String
Format ANN
Maximum character length 3
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values F06 Podiatry - Locum, regular location
A01 Medicine - General practitioner working mainly in general practice
A02 Medicine - General practitioner working mainly in a special interest area
A03 Medicine - Salaried non-specialist hospital practitioner: Resident medical officer or intern
A04 Medicine - Salaried non-specialist hospital practitioner: other hospital career medical officer
A05 Medicine - Specialist
A06 Medicine - Specialist in training (e.g. registrar)
B01 Dentistry (private practice only) - Solo practitioner
B02 Dentistry (private practice only) - Solo principal with assistant(s)
B03 Dentistry (private practice only) - Partnership
B04 Dentistry (private practice only) - Associateship
B05 Dentistry (private practice only) - Assistant
B06 Dentistry (private practice only) - Locum
C01 Nursing - Enrolled nurse
C02 Nursing - Registered nurse
C03 Nursing - Clinical nurse
C04 Nursing - Clinical nurse consultant/supervisor
C05 Nursing - Nurse manager
C06 Nursing - Nurse educator
C07 Nursing - Nurse researcher
C08 Nursing - Assistant director of nursing
C09 Nursing - Deputy director of nursing
C10 Nursing - Director of nursing
C11 Nursing - Tutor/lecturer/senior lecturer in nursing (tertiary institution)
C12 Nursing - Associate professor/professor in nursing (tertiary institution)
C98 Nursing - Other (specify)
D01 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Sole proprietor
D02 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Partner-proprietor
D03 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Pharmacist-in-charge
D04 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Permanent assistant
D05 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Reliever, regular location
D06 Pharmacy (community pharmacist) - Reliever, various locations
E01 Pharmacy (Hospital/clinic pharmacist ) - Director/deputy director
E02 Pharmacy (Hospital/clinic pharmacist ) - Grade III pharmacist
E03 Pharmacy (Hospital/clinic pharmacist ) - Grade II pharmacist
E04 Pharmacy (Hospital/clinic pharmacist ) - Grade I pharmacist
E05 Pharmacy (Hospital/clinic pharmacist ) - Sole pharmacist
F01 Podiatry - Own practice (or partnership)
F02 Podiatry - Own practice and sessional appointments elsewhere
F03 Podiatry - Own practice and fee-for-service elsewhere
F04 Podiatry - Own practice, sessional and fee-for-service appointments elsewhere
F05 Podiatry - Salaried podiatrist
F07 Podiatry - Locum, various locations
F08 Podiatry - Other (specify)
G01 Physiotherapy - Own practice (or partnership)
G02 Physiotherapy - Own practice and sessional appointments elsewhere
G03 Physiotherapy - Own practice and fee-for-service elsewhere
G04 Physiotherapy - Own practice, sessional and fee-for-service appointments elsewhere
G05 Physiotherapy - Salaried physiotherapist
G06 Physiotherapy - Locum, regular location
G07 Physiotherapy - Locum, various locations
Supplementary Values C99 Nursing - Unknown/inadequately described/not stated



Position or job classifications are specific to each profession and may differ by state or territory. The classifications above are simplified so that comparable data presentation is possible and possible confounding effects of enterprise specific structures are avoided. For example, for medicine, the job classification collected in the national health labour force collection is very broad. State/territory health authorities have more detailed classifications for salaried medical practitioners in hospitals.

These classifications separate interns, the resident medical officer levels, registrar levels, career medical officer positions, and supervisory positions including clinical and medical superintendents. Space restrictions do not at present permit these classes to be included in the National Health Labour Force Collection questionnaire.


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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 2
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 8
As a denominator in an Indicator 5
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 5