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The type of accommodation setting in which a person usually lives/lived, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Accommodation Type Code NN ".
Data Type Number
Format NN
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Private residence (e.g. house, flat, bedsitter, caravan, boat, independent unit in retirement village), including privately and publicly rented homes
2 Psychiatric hospital
3 Residential aged care service
4 Specialised alcohol/other drug treatment residence
5 Specialised mental health community-based residential support service
6 Domestic-scale supported living facility (e.g. group home for people with disability)
7 Boarding/rooming house/hostel or hostel type accommodation, not including aged persons' hostel
8 Homeless persons' shelter
9 Shelter/refuge (not including homeless persons' shelter)
10 Other supported accommodation
11 Prison/remand centre/youth training centre
12 Public place (homeless)
13 Other accommodation, not elsewhere classified
Supplementary Values 14 Unknown/unable to determine


Guide for use:

'Usual' is defined as the type of accommodation the person has lived in for the most amount of time over the past three months prior to admission to institutional health care or first contact with a community service setting. If a person stays in a particular place of accommodation for four or more days a week over the period, that place of accommodation would be the person's type of usual accommodation. In practice, receiving an answer to questioning about a person's usual accommodation setting may be difficult to achieve. The place the person perceives as their usual accommodation will often prove to be the best approximation of their type of usual accommodation.


Admitted patient mental health care:

Permits analysis of the usual residential accommodation type of people prior to admission to institutional health care. The setting in which the person usually lives can have a bearing on the types of treatment and support required by the person and the outcomes that result from their treatment.

The changes made to this metadata item are in accordance with the requirements of the National Mental Health Information Strategy Committee and take into consideration corresponding definitions in other data dictionaries (e.g. Home and Community Care Data Dictionary Version 1 and National Community Services Data Dictionary Version 1).


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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 9
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0