The date on which an admitted patient completes an episode of care, expressed as DDMMYYYY.
Data Element (this item)
Data Element ConceptEpisode of admitted patient care—separation date
Object ClassEpisode of admitted patient care
PropertySeparation date
Value DomainDate DDMMYYYY
This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Date DDMMYYYY ".Data Type | Date/Time |
Format | DDMMYYYY |
Maximum character length | 8 |
National Health Data Committee
There may be variations amongst jurisdictions with respect to the recording of separation date. This most often occurs for patients who are statistically separated after a period of leave (and who do not return for further hospital care). In this case, some jurisdictions may record the separation date as the date of statistical separation (and record intervening days as leave days) while other jurisdictions may retrospectively separate patients on the first day of leave. Despite the variations in recording of separation date for this group of patients, the current practices provide for the accurate recording of length of stay.