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This table shows items related to the item Episode of admitted patient care.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 46 results.
Name Details Statuses
Episode of admitted patient care—admission date, DDMMYYYY
Data Element
Date on which an admitted patient commences an episode of care.
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—admission mode, code N
Data Element
The mechanism by which a person begins an episode of care, as represented by a code.
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—admission time, hhmm
Data Element
Time at which an admitted patient commences an episode of care.
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—admission urgency status, code N
Data Element
Whether the admission has an urgency status assigned and, if so, whether admission occurred on an emergency basis, as represented...
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 1) code NNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 2) code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, (AN-SNAP v 3) code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient class, code NNNN
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—Australian national sub-acute and non-acute patient classification version, code N
Data Element
The version of the Australian National Sub-acute and Non-acute Patient (AN-SNAP) Classification used to report subacute and non-acute care types,...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment only indicator, yes/no/unknown code N
Data Element
An indicator of whether an episode of admitted patient care resulted in the patient undergoing a clinical assessment only, as...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment score, code NN
Data Element
The score achieved by an admitted patient via the application of an appropriate clinical assessment measurement scale or scheme, as...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment score, code NN
Data Element
The score achieved by an admitted patient via the application of an appropriate clinical assessment measurement scale or scheme, as...
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment tool used, code AAAAAA
Data Element
The tool used to conduct the clinical assessment of the patient.
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment tool used, code N.N
Data Element
The tool used to conduct the clinical assessment of an admitted patient, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
Episode of admitted patient care—condition onset flag, code N
Data Element
A qualifier for each coded diagnosis to indicate the onset of the condition relative to the beginning of the episode...
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—condition onset flag, code N
Data Element
A qualifier for each coded diagnosis to indicate the onset of the condition relative to the beginning of the episode...
  • Health: Superseded on
Episode of admitted patient care—diagnosis onset type, code N
Data Element
A qualifier for each coded diagnosis to indicate the onset and/or significance of the diagnosis to the episode of care,...
  • Health: Superseded on
Episode of admitted patient care—diagnosis related group, code (AR-DRG v5.1) ANNA
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Health: Superseded on
Episode of admitted patient care—diagnosis related group, code (AR-DRG v 6) ANNA
Data Element
A patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital...
  • Health: Standard on
Episode of admitted patient care—duration of continuous ventilatory support, total hours NNNN
Data Element
The total number of hours an admitted patient has spent on continuous ventilatory support.
  • Health: Standard on