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This is a list of all the Steward Organisations you have permission to view.
Name Details
My new stewardship organisation
Here you can describe: Who can join your team? What people might find here? Who to talk to?  
Aristotle Cloud Services Australia - Examples's profile picture Aristotle Cloud Services Australia - Examples
  Aristotle Cloud Services is the company behind the Aristotle Metadata Registry. This Stewardship Organisation is for sharing demos.
Aristotle Cloud Services Australia - Internal
All of our internal data sources and content
Aristotle Demo Organisation
Example Standards
Examples's profile picture
The HSE NHSCDD contains information about data items aligned to the ISO 11179/3 metadata standard and structured KPI’s. By standardising definitions and promoting consistency of use, the HSE NHSCDD enables conforming and comparable health information to be generated across the country, independent of the systems or organisation from which it …
Aristotle User Guides's profile picture Aristotle User Guides
The Aristotle User Guides help users translate their work into the Aristotle Metadata Registry using familiar business terms. So see all of the current guides, go to the Files tab of this Stewardship Organisation. From each guide you will also be able to read the guides directly in Aristotle, and …
Demonstration Stewardship Organisation
All DOTs put together make great Meta Data
Example Steward Organisation 2
Example Steward Organisation 2 - Definition
Test Org No 1
Adding an org into A
Test Steward Organisation
Here to help with API testing. Delete if no longer useful.
Ben Test Org
Ben Test Org
Tuo's ORG
LWN - Data Engineer
LWN - Data Engineer
This is tablion help document SO.
Muskan's Federation testing organisation
This organisation is created by Muskan for the testing of the federation.
Education Services Australia provides products and services  to the education state and federal depart.
Test org 1
By creating a Stewardship Organisation you can: Invite users to join this organisation, or setup up rules to allow users to automatically join based on their email address. Create Workgroups that can discuss and collaborate on the development of metadata Create Registration Authorities that can review, endorse and publish metadata Set up labels to …
BS Operasyon
Bilgi Sistemleri Operasyon 
UMC Groningen, Netherlands's profile picture UMC Groningen, Netherlands
PoC voor het Zorggegevensmodel
SC Technology
SC Technology
XY Bank
XY Bank