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    Item Summary
    • Object Classes: 1
    • Data Element Concepts: 8
    • Data Elements: 8
    • Properties: 4
    • Glossary Items: 1
    • Data Element Derivations: 5
    • Distributions: 1
    • Collections: 0

    This collection can be used to browse metadata created for the Aristotle COVID Dashboard.

    For more information see the completed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Case-Based Reporting case reports and WHO Situation Report Daily Surveillance Data.


    # Name Details
    OC Contact Exposure COVID-19
    Object Class

    Contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Date of First Contact
    Data Element Concept

    The date on which first contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19: Date of First Contact, YYYY-MM-DD
    Data Element

    The date on which first contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Date of Last Contact
    Data Element Concept

    The date on which the most recent contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19—Date of Last Contact, YYYY-MM-DD
    Data Element

    The date on which the most recent contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Identifier
    Data Element Concept

    The unique identifier of the case which which there was contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19—Identifier, X(16)
    Data Element

    The unique identifier of the case which which there was contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Number of Contacts
    Data Element Concept

    The total number of possible contacts with exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19: Number of Contacts, Total number NN[N]
    Data Element

    The total number of possible contacts with exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Number of Unknown Contacts Indicator
    Data Element Concept

    Whether there have been possible unknown contacts and exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19: Number of Unknown Contacts Indicator, Yes/no/unknown code N
    Data Element

    A code that represents whether there have been possible unknown contacts and exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Probable Exposure Country
    Data Element Concept

    The country most likely to have been the location of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19—Probable Exposure Country, Name X(100)
    Data Element

    The name of the country most likely to have been the location of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Setting of Contact
    Data Element Concept

    The type of physical environment where contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19—Setting of Contact, Text X(250)
    Data Element

    The type of physical environment where contact with and exposure to the COVID-19 virus occurred.

    DEC Contact Exposure COVID-19: Transmission method
    Data Element Concept

    A record of the transmission of the COVID-19 coronavirus within a community or country.

    DE Contact Exposure COVID-19—Transmission Method, Text X(13)
    Data Element

    A description of the method of transmission of the COVID-19 virus within a community or country.

    P Country of COVID-19 Diagnosis

    The country in which a COVID-19 diagnosis was made.

    GI COVID-19
    Glossary Item

    A shortened version of coronavirus disease 2019. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses calls it the “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”, or SARS-CoV-2, because it is related to the virus that caused the SARS outbreak in 2003. However, to avoid confusion with SARS the WHO calls it the COVID-19 virus when communicating with the public.

    Read more:

    P Date of First COVID-19 Confirmation

    The date of when a positive result was returned for the COVID-19 virus.

    P Date of Last COVID-19 Test

    The date on which the most recent COVID-19 test was undertaken.

    P Date of Onset of COVID-19 Symptoms

    The date of the first appearance of signs or symptoms of the COVID-19 virus.

    DED Derived Count of COVID-19 Cumulative Cases
    Data Element Derivation

    The count of cases where the lab result for a COVID-19 test is positive derived from the result of the most recent COVID-19.

    DED Derived Count of COVID-19 Daily Cases
    Data Element Derivation

    The count of today's cases where the lab result for a COVID-19 test is positive and where the Date of First COVID-19 Confirmation is less than 2 days ago.

    DED Derived Count of COVID-19 Daily Deaths
    Data Element Derivation

    The count of today's deaths where the cause of death is COVID-19 derived from the outcome of an admission with a diagnosis of COVID-19 and where the Date of Death is less than two days prior.

    DED Derived Count of COVID-19 Deaths
    Data Element Derivation

    The count of deaths where the cause of death is COVID-19 derived from the outcome of an admission with a diagnosis of COVID-19.

    DED Derived Count of COVID-19 Weekly Cases
    Data Element Derivation

    The count of cases this week where the lab result for a COVID-19 test is positive and where the Date of First COVID-19 Confirmation is less than 8 days ago.

    D WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-2019) Situation Report Daily Surveillance Data

    Collection of daily reports of "Countries, territories or areas with reported laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths" from WHO Situation Reports.

    This information is based of daily data made available by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Daily COVID-19 data from the ECDC is based of case definition data made available within WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation report and which comes from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Case-Based Reporting case reports. This data has been supplemented with data from WHO Situation reports to provide both country region and Method of Transmission Classification


    • This data distribution is based on definitions from the World Health Organization. This metadata is recorded here to assist with discovery and interpretation of definitions for research and demonstration purposes only. For official definitions and data, see the References section below.