See Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode - triage category, code N for description of each triage category.
The numerator and denominator include records with a Type of visit of Emergency presentation, or Not reported for South Australia for data from 2009-10 and previous years.
Records are excluded from both the numerator and denominator if the episode end status is either Did not wait to be attended by a health professional, or Dead on arrival, not treated in emergency department, or if the waiting time to service is invalid.
Limited to public hospitals in Peer Group A and B.
To ensure comparability over time, emergency department activity at the Mersey Community Hospital is reported with Peer Group B hospitals for National Healthcare Agreement purposes. Whilst it is currently not a Peer Group A or B hospital, in the baseline year (2007-08) Mersey was a campus of the Peer Group B North West Regional Hospital and its emergency department activity was included in the baseline.
Analysis by state and territory is based on location of service.
Analysis by remoteness and Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage (IRSD) is based on usual residence of person.
Presented as a percentage.