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A code set representing whether a person is treated on an involuntary basis under the relevant state or territory mental health legislation.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Involuntary patient
2 Voluntary patient
Supplementary Values 9 Not reported/unknown


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Involuntary patient

Involuntary patient should only be used by facilities which are approved for this purpose. While each state and territory mental health legislation differs in the number of categories of involuntary patient that are recognised, and the specific titles and legal conditions applying to each type, the legal status categories which provide for compulsory detention or compulsory treatment of the patient can be readily differentiated within each jurisdiction. These include special categories for forensic patients who are charged with or convicted of some form of criminal activity. Each state/territory health authority should identify which sections of their mental health legislation provide for detention or compulsory treatment of the patient and code these as involuntary status.

CODE 2 Voluntary patient

Voluntary patient to be used for reporting to the NMDS-Community mental health care, where applicable.

CODE 9 Not reported/unknown

This code is to be used if the mental health legal status for the patient is either not reported or unknown.


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