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The basis of diagnostic investigation of a person with cancer at the time of first presentation.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Symptomatic
2 Asymptomatic - diagnosis incidental
3 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via opportunistic screening
4 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via organised screening
5 Asymptomatic - investigations leading to diagnosis not stated/inadequately described
Supplementary Values 8 Unknown whether patient symptomatic or asymptomatic


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Symptomatic

When an individual was diagnosed after seeking examination or treatment for a symptom related to the disease.

CODE 2 Asymptomatic - diagnosis incidental

The diagnosis of a disease during examinations, tests or other procedures for a purpose other than diagnosis of the specific disease.

CODE 3 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via opportunistic screening:

When the disease is diagnosed using screening tests that are offered to people who are being examined for other reasons. This is generally the detection of specific diseases that can be controlled better when detected early in their natural history in individuals or groups who may be predisposed to that disease, for example, individuals with particular risk factors.

CODE 4 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via organised screening:

The detection of unrecognised diseases or conditions in a specific population of people by using reliable tests, examinations or other procedures which can be applied rapidly as part of an organised screening program.

CODE 5 Asymptomatic - investigations leading to diagnosis not stated/inadequately described

If the patient is described as asymptomatic, but the event that first initiated the process of investigations leading to diagnosis is unknown.


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