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A code set representing the response of the tumour at the completion of treatment.


Data Type Number
Format N.N
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1.0 Complete response/no evidence of disease
2.1 Partial response
2.2 Stable or static disease
2.3 Progressive disease
Supplementary Values 7.0 Not assessed or unable to be assessed
8.0 Unknown
9.0 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

The outcome of treatment is recorded at the completion of the initial course of treatment for the cancer. The initial course of treatment includes all treatments administered to the patient from diagnosis and before disease progression or recurrence.

CODE 1.0 Complete response/no evidence of disease

Complete disappearance of all measurable disease, including tumour markers, for at least four weeks. No new lesions or new evidence of disease. For breast cancer, this reflects "No evidence of disease".

CODE 2.1 Partial response

A decrease by at least 50% of the sum of the products of the maximum diameter and perpendicular diameter of all measurable lesions, for at least four weeks. No new lesions or worsening of disease.

CODE 2.2 Stable or static disease

No change in measurable lesions qualifying as partial response or progression and no evidence of new lesions.

CODE 2.3 Progressive disease

An increase by at least 25% of the sum of the products of the maximum diameter and a perpendicular diameter of any measurable lesion, or the appearance of new lesions.

CODE 9.0 Not stated/inadequately described

The tumour was assessed but the percentage of increase or decrease in the tumour size is not stated or is inadequately described.


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