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Falls occurring in health care settings and resulting in patient harm treated in hospital.

Indicator Summary

Number of separations with an external cause code for fall and a place of occurrence of Health service area
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Total number of hospital separations.
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Falls as an external cause of external injury includes ICD-10-AM codes W00, W01, W03–W11, W13, W14, W16–W19. Excludes W02, W12 and W15.

Exclude from the numerator those separations where the ICD-10-AM code for the principal diagnosis is in the range of S00 to T14 (inclusive).

Exclude from the numerator those separations where the principal diagnosis has the ICD-10-AM code Z50.9 …

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

Falls as an external cause of external injury includes ICD-10-AM codes W00, W01, W03–W11, W13, W14, W16–W19. Excludes W02, W12 and W15.

Exclude from the numerator those separations where the ICD-10-AM code for the principal diagnosis is in the range of S00 to T14 (inclusive).

Exclude from the numerator those separations where the principal diagnosis has the ICD-10-AM code Z50.9 (Care involving use of rehabilitation procedure, unspecified) and the second diagnosis is in the range of S00 to T14 (inclusive).

Health service area code: Y92.22.

Presented as number only, and per 1,000 separations.
Total number of hospital separations.


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