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An indicator of whether the agency's offer of accommodation was accepted by a person, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Yes/no code N ".
Data Type Boolean
Format N
Maximum character length 1
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Yes
2 No


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Yes

Use this code if a person/group took up the offer of accommodation.


Use this code if a person/group did not take up, or refused, the offer of accommodation, including those instances when a person/group did not keep their appointment.

SAAP National Data Collection Agency Collectors Manual July 2005.


This item shows whether the agency's offer of accommodation was or was not accepted by a person/group, including those instances when a person/group refused the offer or did not keep their appointment.

If the accommodation offer was not taken up (the person/group seeking accommodation did not become a client of the agency), this information will show that the accommodation or support requested was available. Such individuals would then be omitted from the total count of unmet need for accommodation.


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As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0