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A code set representing the types of juvenile justice legal arrangements.


Data Type Number
Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 11 Pre-court appearance—police referred: Held in youth detention or remand centre or watch house
12 Pre-court appearance—Other police-referred pre-court arrangements
21 Pre-sentence—court referred or ordered: Remanded
22 Pre-sentence—Other court-referred pre-sentence arrangements
31 Sentenced—Community-based
32 Sentenced—Other community-based
33 Sentenced—Immediate release or suspended detention
34 Sentenced—Home detention
35 Sentenced—Detention
36 Sentenced—Parole or supervised release
37 Sentenced—Other sentence requiring JJ Department supervision or case management
41 Other—Other type of legal arrangement


Guide for use:

A hierarchical structure exists for the value domain. Recording should be at the 2 digit level.

The types of legal arrangements are described in each jurisdiction’s juvenile justice legislation. They vary slightly according to the State or Territory. However the value domain provides broad groupings of these legal orders or arrangements to which all jurisdictions should map their specific types of legal arrangements.

1 Pre-court appearance – police referred

CODE 11 Held in youth detention or remand centre or watch house

CODE 12 Other police-referred pre-court arrangements

Other pre-court arrangements is where the juvenile justice department is responsible for case management or supervision of the juvenile, such as supervised/conditional bail where the juvenile justice department is involved with monitoring or supervising the juvenile

2 Pre-sentence – court referred or ordered

CODE 21 Remanded

Remanded in a youth detention or remand centre or watchhouse

CODE 22 Other court-referred pre-sentence arrangements

Other pre-sentence court orders or arrangements is where the juvenile justice department is responsible for case management or supervision of the juvenile (such as supervised/conditional bail where the juvenile justice department is involved with monitoring or supervising the juvenile)

3 Sentenced

CODE 31 Community-based

Supervision without additional mandated requirements

CODE 32 Other community-based

Supervision and other mandated requirements - requiring some form of obligation or additional element that the client is required to meet, rather than only being supervised or case managed. This obligation could be community work, developmental activity or program attendance (with or without direct supervision by the juvenile justice department of the work or activity but where the juvenile justice department is responsible for overall case management of the juvenile

CODE 33 Immediate release or suspended detention

CODE 34 Home detention

CODE 35 Detention

CODE 36 Parole or supervised release

CODE 37 Other sentence requiring JJ Department supervision or case management

4 Other

CODE 41 Other type of legal arrangement

Other type of legal arrangement is where the juvenile is supervised or case managed by the juvenile justice department and not included above


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