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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


An interaction between one or more health care professionals with one or more non-admitted patients, for assessment, consultation and/or treatment intended to be unbroken in time. A service event means that a dated entry is made in the patient/client's medical record.


Guide for use:

The period of interaction can be broken but still regarded as one service event if it was intended to be unbroken in time. This covers those circumstances in which treatment during a service event is temporarily interrupted for unexpected reasons, for example, a clinician is called to assess another patient who requires more urgent care.

Service events can occur in an outpatient, emergency, radiology, pathology and/or pharmacy department or, by a hospital-based outreach service, in a location that is not part of the hospital campus.

Service events may or may not be pre-arranged (except for telephone calls).

Imaging, pathology and/or pharmacy services that are associated with a service event in an outpatient clinic, emergency department or outreach service are not regarded as service events themselves.

Imaging, pathology or pharmacy services provided independent of a service event in an outpatient clinic, emergency department or outreach service are regarded as individual service events.

Service events delivered via a telephone call are included if

  • they are a substitute for a face-to-face service event, and
  • they are pre-arranged, and
  • a record of the service event is included in the patient's medical record.

Service events include when the patient is participating via a video link (telemedicine). A service event can be counted at each site participating via the video link.

If a carer/relative accompanies a patient during a service event, this is not considered to be a service event for the carer/relative, provided that the carer/relative is not a patient in their own right for the service contact.

Where both are patients, it is considered that service events have been provided for the person(s) in whose medical record the service event is noted.

A service event is regarded as having occurred when a consultation occurs between their carer/relative and a service provider at an appointment when the patient is not present, provided that the carer/relative is not a patient in their own right for the service contact. Where both are patients, it is considered that service events have been provided for the person(s) in whose medical record the service event is noted.

A service event is regarded as having occurred for each patient who attends a group session such as an antenatal class.
Outpatient department services provided to admitted patients are not regarded as service events.

Work-related services provided in clinics for staff are not service events.


Hospital non-admitted patient care:

This definition applies to non-admitted hospital patients and is not intended to apply to community based services.

National Health Data Committee


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